with correct technique they can detect presence of white surface (paper in my case) upto 50cm (*conditions applied ) even in the presence of very ir-emitting audience.
The Principle:
in words : Take a reading with IR-led OFF and subtract it from reading when IR-led is ON. This way you get reading because of IR-led only. This principle assumes that the neighbouring IR conditions remains unchanged in between two readings.
- Atmega8
- IR-led-Photodiode
- reflecting surface
- BC547 or any switching element
- some discretes
CAUTION: As you can see, there is no resistance in series with IR-led. so if the transistor is kept ON for more than few milliseconds, IR-led will be damaged. By default, the output of atmega pins is high when unprogrammed. So first program the chip and then connect IR-led, or use a toggle switch in between.
/*Code for controlling IR-led-photodiode sensor using atmega8
internal clock 1MHz
written in AVR Studio 4
#include"avr/io.h" //setting ADC to AREF, left adjusted, ADC0
int main(void)
DDRB=255; //set port b for output
DDRD=255; //set port d for output
DDRC=0; //set port c for input
ADCSRA=0b10000011; //enable ADC, prescale 8
unsigned register char i=0,j=0; //to store ADC results
PORTB=0b00000001; //turn ON IR-led
_delay_us(20); //wait for turn-ON time
ADCSRA=0b11000000; //start ADC conversion
_delay_us(30); //wait for conversion to complete
//instead of this 30us delay you can use
PORTB=0; //turn OFF IR-led
i=ADCH; //store led-ON value in 'i'
_delay_us(20); //wait for turn-OFF time
ADCSRA=0b11000000; //start ADC conversion
while(ADCSRA!=0b10010000);//compare the difference with threshold value //wait for conversion to complete
j=ADCH; //store led-OFF value in 'j'
if(i-j>70)PORTD=255; //if more than threshold, turn ON LED
PORTD=0; //if less than threshold, turn OFF LED
_delay_us(1000); //wait to let IR-LED to cool.
//don't decrease it below 500
here is a video showing my testing results for wall detection at 8-10 cms.
So, how far can it go???thats the question which came in everyone's mind while using ir-sensors. normally, people think that ir-led-photodiode works upto 12-15 cms only. for longer distances we should use TSOP. So here i tested my ir-pair for a distance of 50cms. the main principle is to overdrive the ir-led at higher voltage. with 7V i got 50cms.
(CAUTION : remember, overdriving is risky if not done properly)